Import from wordpress to ghost 2.0

That’s good @Jivebunny :) . But I think it’s overkill to go with the jwilder/nginx setup. Just run things locally without a PROD URL.

  1. Locally, put your file (converted from WP) into /path/to/ghost/

From this docs (which I contributed), RUN:

docker run -d \
	--name some-ghost \
	-p 3001:2368 \
	-v /path/to/ghost/blog:/var/lib/ghost/content \
  1. Go to http://localhost:3001
    Your content appears normal under Ghost V1. Yeah.

  2. Remove your container. RUN:

docker rm -f some-ghost
  1. Let’s upgrade to Ghost v2. RUN:
docker run -d \
	--name some-ghost \
	-p 3001:2368 \
	-v /path/to/ghost/blog:/var/lib/ghost/content \
  1. Go to http://localhost:3001
    Your content appears normal under Ghost V2. Yeah.

  2. Now you’re ready to go! Copy your data into your PROD env and start Ghost V2. Et voilà!
