Importing database content via API

I’m using GET /ghost/api/v3/admin/db/ API endpoint to export the database, it works just fine.
I’m trying to use the same endpoint with POST to import the database and I am passing the database json as body to the request

receiving the following error:
{'errors': [{'message': 'Please select a database file to import.', 'context': None, 'type': 'ValidationError', 'details': None, 'property': None, 'help': None, 'code': None, 'id': '40020680-794d-11ec-b1a1-e94cc3362327'}]

I know the API endpoint is experimental and not documented, etc, but, can anyone point me to the right direction? Does the API expect that the json file is on the server and I should provide its path? Or can I pass the file as base64 to the API?

I figured this out. I have a python script in the form of an Azure Function if you are interested here:

Check out the import_all_posts() method in the __init.py__ script for the details.