Instructions for configing Disqus need to be updated

The instruction about how to config disqus should be updated:

5. Change PAGE_IDENTIFER to ghost-{{comment_id}}

should be changed to

5. Change PAGE_IDENTIFER to "ghost-{{comment_id}}"

Quotes should be included, as mentioned in the disqus official guide.

Otherwise it won’t work.

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Good catch! We’ve updated the help guide to include the quotations. :blush:

Thank you, I saw it’s already updated, appreciate it!

Besides, I failed to mention that {{url absolute="true"}} should also be changed to "{{url absolute="true"}}", add double quotes too.

BTW, I’ve tried that double quotes could be used here, there’s no need to use single quotes.

Hmm, both should have been updated. Have checked again and it should be :+1: now.

Yeah it is. Thanks!//////////////////

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