Landing Page like 'The Browser', 'The Listener'

Any idea how The Browser and The Listener built their landing page? What theme are they using ?

I know you can create a static page by changing routes and creating a home template, is that what they did, or someone has a theme with a landing page like that?

How do we recreate it?

That’s exactly how to do things like that with Ghost :slight_smile: There’s a tutorial for custom homepages (or any page) in our docs.

I did check the custom page docs. I was not sure how they (The Browser) added containers and grids with sample posts on the homepage.

Inside your home.hbs (or any your-page.hbs) file you can have any HTML you want. When you couple it with the {{#get}} helper you can pull in individual or sets of posts/pages for a completely custom display.

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Hey @Kevin!
Do you happen to know any pro’s I could work with (aka hire) to get that up and running for me? I know this might seem straightforward to some, but this is apparently way over my head. :sweat_smile:

My thoughts are I’ll make a custom design using Webflow, export the HTML and have that as the homepage. It won’t be too complex, but it will be custom.

Do. you have any experts or know of someone who could assist with that? Thanks!

Many freelancers have yet to register…I know @brightthemes freelances, @ENAMUL_HAQUE does

If you want to use Webflow plus Ghost, Udesly are experts in that: Webflow Templates customization, Webflow Projects conversion & more! (

Thanks all! :pray: