Like button for posts

Just like the native comments feature that was added, it’d be really nice to have a native “like” button for posts.

Besides rendering this button with a counter for how many users have liked a post, it would also be nice if the user can view a list of all the posts they’ve liked. So they can easily go back and view the content they want to revisit.

Yes, I would like to make the same request. It would be a fantastic feature if we could have a few options similar to Facebook reactions. Or at least like and dislike buttons like on YouTube.


Actually you are able to like my reply to this post, but not the original post… :slight_smile: Would be great to have this feature on the post itsself.


yes, I think it would be useful to have this like and dislike option.

1 Like

Yes. As it helps authors to know what content, their visitors like reading.

It also encourages authors to improve their content and at the same time, it also motivates authors to write better quality content over time.

1 Like

I agree; I would like to see this feature. Please advise.

Yes, it would be awesome to have a Like or Clap or Celebrate button.

It would be great for readers to click and leave a quick feedback, and for content creators to see what content resonates the most with their readers.

I /suspect/ that it’ll probably come out along with all the ActivityPub work currently going on. At least, that would make a lot of sense to me…


I would like this too, but only it is not connected to the comments. On other sites the like button and comment system have been connected so you cannot have one without the other which basically sucks.

I would like this feature too. Depending on hire hard it is, could there also be a rating (1~10 or (1~5)?

But a like/indifferent/dislike would be a good compromise between simplicity and meaningful feedback.