Membership access/details on other webapps

To add to my previous post and to clarify a bit more :
There is already middleware that intercepts each request to ‘/ghost’ (which pretty much happens once since admin client is a rich Ember.js app) .
backendApp.use('/ghost', require('../../services/auth/session').createSessionFromToken, require('../admin')());

Then following the trail, you can see the execution flow is as follows:
getRequestCredentials → getIdentityFromCredentials → getUserForIdentity
Return of previous one is fed to the subsequent one as a parameter. Ghost code doing this is the @tryghost/mw-session-from-token package as below:

const token = await getTokenFromRequest(req);
            if (!token) {
                return next();
            const email = await getLookupFromToken(token);
            if (!email) {
                return next();
            const user = await findUserByLookup(email);
            if (!user) {
                return next();
            await createSession(req, res, user);

Whatever you do in the previous two functions, the final function, getUserForIdentity, is what determines who the logged in user will be. As long as you return a user object with a correct id property from this function, whether via a direct return or return a Promise and then resolve, Ghost will set the user in the session to that:
My final function simply does this:

async getUserForIdentity(userEmail) {       
      let user=null;
        return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
    if (userEmail != undefined)  {
      user= await UserModel.getByEmail(userEmail.toLowerCase());
       if (user !=undefined) {
       }else resolve(null);
        }catch (err){

(…at the end, I guess I could just return the result of UserModel.getByEmail directly, but I have not tested that)

Once the request passes thru this middleware, user session is set and request is intercepted by ‘./admin’ (as you can see at the top) which recognizes the user, since all the API calls going forward is tied to this user session.

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