Ghost memberships as authentication for other apps

Hi! Loving Ghost so far. Hope this is the appropriate topic to post this in :slight_smile:

I’m curious if anyone has any thoughts on using Ghost’s paid memberships as a paywall for other services ~ e.g. hypothetically I have a totally separate Next.js app that I want to give my paid members access to

Is this crazy? Is it doable? It’s been a hot second since I rolled my own user auth & subscription stuff, which was one thing that brought me to Ghost (before I had this idea :upside_down_face: ) ~ wondering if it’s possible to somehow have a “log in with ghost” button on an external app, or if my other app should have its own membership system that is kept in sync with Ghost thru webhooks

if it’s relevant, I’m running Ghost on Ghost Pro (for now, but I could self-host if there was reason to), and presume I’m running Next on Vercel or Replit, with Supabase/Firebase/etc


I would say yes and thats how Zapier can be used to perform another function for you offsite based on access within your site.

I just did this for next 15/authjs. Feel free to get in touch after the holiday if you need help.