Hello there, when I attempt to start my blog I get this error, and I haven’t had this problem before and can’t find anything online. Could someone please help me with this? I would be more then appreciative.
star@schoolfactsonline:/var/www/blog$ sudo ghost start
It looks like Ghost was installed using the root user.
You need to create a user with regular account privileges and migrate your installation to this user.
There’s a guide to fixing your setup here
Love open source? We’re hiring Node.js Engineers to work on Ghost full-time.
sudo systemctl is-active ghost_blog-schoolfactsonline-com
Checking system Node.js version - found v16.13.0
Ensuring user is not logged in as ghost user
Checking if logged in user is directory owner
Checking current folder permissions
sudo systemctl is-active ghost_blog-schoolfactsonline-com
Validating config
Checking folder permissions
Checking file permissions
Checking memory availability
Checking binary dependencies
Checking systemd unit file
Warning: Ghost is running with node v14.19.3.
Your current node version is v16.13.0.
Checking systemd node version - found v14.19.3
Starting Ghost: blog-schoolfactsonline-com
A SystemError occurred.
Message: Systemd process manager has not been set up or is corrupted.
Help: Run ghost setup linux-user systemd and try again.
Attempting to run the command listed does nothing:
star@schoolfactsonline:/var/www/blog$ ghost setup linux-user systemd
│Warning: MySQL 8 will be the required database in the next major release of Ghost.│
│ Make sure your database is up to date to ensure forwards compatibility. │
Love open source? We’re hiring Node.js Engineers to work on Ghost full-time.
Systemd service has already been set up. Skipping Systemd setup
Setting up Systemd [skipped]
Have you performed the last command? I suspect there are two issues at play: you used sudo when installing Ghost, and you haven’t setup MySQL correctly. BTW, use MySQL not MariaDB.
The issue was indeed incorrect permissions on the content directory in my case (has to be owned by ghost). What sucks is that ghost doctor doesn’t seem to catch that, though…