Hello there, when I attempt to start my blog I get this error, and I haven’t had this problem before and can’t find anything online. Could someone please help me with this? I would be more then appreciative.
star@schoolfactsonline:/var/www/blog$ sudo ghost start
It looks like Ghost was installed using the root user.
You need to create a user with regular account privileges and migrate your installation to this user.
There’s a guide to fixing your setup here
Love open source? We’re hiring Node.js Engineers to work on Ghost full-time.
- sudo systemctl is-active ghost_blog-schoolfactsonline-com
Checking system Node.js version - found v16.13.0
Ensuring user is not logged in as ghost user
Checking if logged in user is directory owner
Checking current folder permissions
- sudo systemctl is-active ghost_blog-schoolfactsonline-com
Validating config
Checking folder permissions
Checking file permissions
Checking memory availability
Checking binary dependencies
Checking systemd unit file
Warning: Ghost is running with node v14.19.3.
Your current node version is v16.13.0.
Checking systemd node version - found v14.19.3
Starting Ghost: blog-schoolfactsonline-com
A SystemError occurred.
Message: Systemd process manager has not been set up or is corrupted.
Help: Run ghost setup linux-user systemd and try again.
Debug Information:
OS: Ubuntu, v20.04.4 LTS
Node Version: v16.13.0
Ghost Version: 4.39.0
Ghost-CLI Version: 1.19.3
Environment: production
Command: ‘ghost start’
Try running ghost doctor to check your system for known issues.
You can always refer to Ghost-CLI - A fully loaded tool for installation and configuration for troubleshooting.
Attempting to run the command listed does nothing:
star@schoolfactsonline:/var/www/blog$ ghost setup linux-user systemd
│Warning: MySQL 8 will be the required database in the next major release of Ghost.│
│ Make sure your database is up to date to ensure forwards compatibility. │
Love open source? We’re hiring Node.js Engineers to work on Ghost full-time.
Systemd service has already been set up. Skipping Systemd setup
Setting up Systemd [skipped]