Mobile home page cover image optimization

My homepage cover image looks great on desktop but not on mobile.

How do I make the image crop or align differently on mobile? I think it would be enough if the image would center on mobile or resize.


Assuming you are using the Edition theme, you can try adding the following in Code injection:

@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { 
  .cover-image { object-position: left; } 

Yes, the Edition theme. The code did this:

You are not in the center of the image and without a link to see it live, it’s hard to suggest meaningful values for the object-position property. You can play around with the object-position attribute to find a suitable value:

Thanks for the link. I played around with a bit and was able to move the head into the viewport but I can’t seem to move the image higher up…

I tried:

@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { 
  .cover-image { object-position: 25% -20%; } 

Then I tried

@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { 
  .cover-image { object-position: 25% -100px; } 

But then it moves the image up and below there is a gray box :(