Hi All
I’m having trouble with html to mobiledoc conversions. If I use the API or upload via Labs, I get the same result.
I’m posting a lot of quotes as follows:
<blockquote>There are no traffic jams along the 'extra mile.'<br><cite>Roger Staubach</cite></blockquote>
The converted mobiledoc looks like this:
{“version”:“0.3.1”,“atoms”:[[“soft-return”,“”,{}]],“cards”:,“markups”:,“sections”:[[1,“blockquote”,[[0,,0,“There are no traffic jams along the ‘extra mile.’”],[1,,0,0],[0,,0,“Roger Staubach”]]]]
What I end up with on the post is this:
Through the conversion, I’m losing the cite tag?
When I inspect on the frontend it looks like this:
<blockquote>"There are no traffic jams along the 'extra mile.'"
"Roger Staubach"
When I change the quote in the post admin, then it returns the desired result, ie the first html example I shared above.
What am I doing wrong here?
Thank you in advance.