I somehow added navigation links next to the search on the top right in the .gh-head-actions section, and I can’t figure out how to now edit/remove them. I’m using the London theme and I can’t find anything in my code-injection which alters this, and I’m pretty sure I haven’t modified any of the .hbs files.
Hey MrTomahawk, welcome to Ghost!
If your site is live somewhere, it’d be helpful to see it! :) Often it’s a lot easier to find a problem working from the site itself rather than a description.
Many themes change what’s over in the actions section depending on whether the user is logged in or not - is that possibly what you’re seeing?
Another possibility is that these are navigation links set up in /ghost > settings, but I think those show up on the left in London…
You are correct that the “navigation” links to the left in London. Here’s the site https://hangoverhash.digitalpress.blog, and I’m trying to remove the Facebook/Twitter links on the right.
Ah. Easy to hide them. In your header code injection:
a[title="Facebook"], a[title="Twitter"] {
display: none;