More customized titles for SEO

I’ve been struggling, like a few others here on the forum to include the internal tag, or page title for single posts. Aka when I read a single post I’d like the <title> to say “My post title | My content collection name”. It looks so much better for SEO, both on Google and when reading posts to see both of them. WP has this functionality if you self-host or have SEO plugins like Yoast, but since SEO stuff is included by default, something like this would be great to have - without having to add this manually every single time.

I personally use static pages for the data, for each collection, like this:

    permalink: /en/{slug}/
    template: index
    data: page.en
    filter: 'tag:hash-en'

I use internal Tags for my content collections, because it makes it look better, so the Primary tag could act like the category of the post, but I want to use the meta of the internal tag to do this properly.

Something similiar that I want is currently being discussed on the Github issue page: Strange behaviour of titles in Ghost · Issue #16684 · TryGhost/Ghost · GitHub