Moving from Ghost to WordPress

Sounds fair enough :slight_smile:

HTML is allowed with the widget. In fact I use it all the time. You can also inject HTML site-wide.

Not talking about the widget I am talking about the limitations with the description field in tags, you can’t add HTML to this and the character limit is also a pain.

Fully aware of the HTML widget and that is useful for in-article ads although I still prefer the WordPress approach of being able to inject ads instead.

If Ghost made changes to the former I am all in, can compromise on using the HTML widget for ads.

+1 :), I moved one of my blogs from WP to Ghost few years ago but then I found out I just needed a simple and stable blog and not much customization. WP seems a better choice for me (I have a personal WP for nearly 20 years). For some reasons my current Ghost blog has been down for several months and now I want it up again, I want to move it back to WP.

I could export everything (I guess :D) from Ghost, its backup command worked smoothly and I got a 500MB zip file. But now how can I import this big file into WP is a significant issue :)