Multiple search fields with ghostHunter

Hi! How I can use ghostHunter on desktop and mobile? I configured this just like the example (GitHub - jamwise/ghostHunter: A Ghost blog search engine) but without success :( I can get results only on desktop. Does anyone have a working example? I have the latest version ghost.

Form on desktop:

          <form class="form-search" action="#" method="get">
              class="form-input search-field-desktop"
            <button class="btn btn-search custom-btn" type="submit">
              <img src="{{asset 'images/search.svg'}}" />

Form on mobile menu:

    <form class="form-search" action="#" method="get">
        class="form-input form-input-mobile search-field-mobile"
      <button class="btn btn-search custom-btn" type="submit">
        <img src="{{asset 'images/search.svg'}}" />

And in default.hbs I added hidden input, section results and script:

<input type="search" class="search-field" hidden="true">
<section id="results" class="results">

        results: '#results',
        onKeyUp: true
    $('.search-field-mobile, .search-field-desktop').on('keyup', function(event) {