Issue Summary
I have more than 1 table in my article, in the ghost admin the article is correctly rendered , but in the site, all the tables are rendered where the last of them was inserted.
The error happens in the Source Theme v 1.2.1
In Headline theme the tables are rendered in the correct order
- What did you expect to happen?
The tables must be shown in the same order than I put them in the post editor.
Steps to Reproduce
This is the post text
I expect table 1 must be between paragraphs 2 and 3.
But in the preview and in the published article the table 1 renders after paragraph 4
I also used the md cards and I got the same result.
Setup information
Ghost Version
Node.js Version
Node Version 18.20.0
How did you install Ghost?
Self-hosting/docker image Ghost:5.81.0
Provide details of your host & operating system
Linux (ubuntu 20.04)
Database type
Browser & OS version
Chrome 123.0.6312.59
Relevant log / error output
This is the html generated. It created a div class “gh-table” and inserted both tables and the html cards were commented.
<p>Paragraph 1</p><p>Paragraph 2</p>
<!--kg-card-begin: html-->
<!--kg-card-end: html-->
<p>Paragraph 3</p><p>Paragraph 4</p>
<!--kg-card-begin: html-->
<div class="gh-table"><table>
<th>table 1</th>
<th>table 2</th>
<!--kg-card-end: html-->
<p>Paragraph 5</p>