What’s your URL? http://randyhanley.com
What version of Ghost are you using? Latest as of 2/22/2021 updated via Portainer.
Extra Info: I’m hosting Ghost Locally, running NGINX Reverse Proxy, Cloud flare is my DNS, pointed to my NGINX Server at home.
I have 2 other webservers (Wordpress) that are on the same NGINX instance - they all load images fine, so I’m 99% sure this is narrowed down to something I must have setup incorrectly with Ghost.
And -
How was Ghost installed and configured? - Portainer / Docker
What Node version, database, OS & browser are you using? - I’m not sure honestly.
What errors or information do you see in the console? - No Errors.
What steps could someone else take to reproduce the issue you’re having? - Site loads totally fine, except for if I add images within the blog post. I checked the permissions on the images folder. Very strange.
Hello. How were you able to fix this issue. I’m currently facing the same issue
@slyNeon Are you also experiencing this when running Ghost locally, with nginx as a reverse proxy, with CloudFlare DNS point to an Nginx server at home as the original poster was?
That’s a complex and unusual setup. The original post is pretty old at this point. I recommend opening a new question with the specific details of your problem and environment.