Hello to all,
I installed my Ghost but I have a problem, the images don’t load, it concerns the “responsive” images apparently, with the URL “[…]/content/images/size/w2000/[…]”, when I copy and paste the direct link of the image that doesn’t load, I get the error "We’ll be right back. Here are the technical details of my installation:
- What’s your URL? https://blog.louisgallet.ga
- What version of Ghost are you using? Latest
Ghost is installed on my machine with the official Docker image, the database used is SQL Lite
The Docker container is accessible via a NGINX reverse proxy. The whole thing is on the domain blog.louisgallet.ga which is a DNS entry managed by Cloudflare with the cloudflare proxy disabled for the blog.
Example with the image:
Direct Link: https://blog.louisgallet.ga/content/images/2022/01/C9B82E5B-FB7E-44AF-A48C-565DE2CED5AA.jpeg (Today’s update 8:30 UTC+1: The image now returns a 502 bad gateway)
Responsive Link: https://blog.louisgallet.ga/content/images/size/w2000/2022/01/C9B82E5B-FB7E-44AF-A48C-565DE2CED5AA.jpeg (This link does not work and is the one used for the article covers)
Does anyone have a solution?