I’ve activated the awesome new native search feature with my ghost blog. For general stats i’ve integrated Matomo. I’ve discovered that there is a Site Search feature with Matomo that could show me what people are searching. But it’s empty. By default Matomo looks for common URL params like q/query/search/s/k/keyword. But native search it seems doesn’t work this way.
I’ve no clue where I could place Matomo API calls to send search keywords. Maybe somebody knows how and could give some pointer where i needed to add code?
still dont have a clue how ghost search could be integrated in matomo.
Yeah, I think that’s going to be tough, because Ghost’s built in search runs in an iframe and doesn’t use any query strings. The advanced option offered on the linked page would require changes to sodo-search.js, which is getting loaded by the {{ghost_head}} helper. So that’s an option for self-hosters, but not an easy option for managed hosters.
It’d be pretty easy to track searches with a custom search integration of Algolia, but then of course you wouldn’t need to do it, because Algolia reports on all your searches every week anyway…