Need help contributing to Ghost Core. Unable to apply changes

Hello ghost community!

I followed the installation steps using this link Ghost Docs as i want to contribute to ghost core. The localhost goes live and no issues there however is there any documentation I can read to understand the code flow. I want to add a feature and unable to understand the modules.

Moreover, I am unable to perform logging and unable to make any changes which reflect on the localhost as well. Whatever i do, the localhost pages remains the same. I have tried commenting complete api calls as well as frontend code but to no avail.

Any help or suggestion would be appreciated.

Can you share what you’re trying to do? Ghost’s architecture is wide-ranging, and I don’t think there’s much publicly accessible documentation.

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I want to add a new feature to the ghost core. Basically pay for each article type feature just like NY times or medium.

I’m unable to understand the complete architecture and where to implement things in the code. I’ve tried logging to understand each module but to no avail, the logging does not show in the console inspector.

Have you followed all the links here? They include a discussion about one time payment for an article.