Hey I merge Massively
with Source
I would be very happy about Feedback.
This is Massively-source, a text-heavy, article-oriented design built around a huge background
image and scroll effects powered by Scrollex. Originally created by @ajlkn for HTML5 UP and later ported to Ghost, then merged with the Source theme by jochumdev.
Demo: https://rene.jochum.dev
for users
- Fast
- Translateable using i18next on client as well as some hacks to translate routes.
- Uses HTML5 as much as possible, works well without JavaScript
- No CDN
- Parallax effect background image
- Automatic higlighting of code in Markdown
for creators / developers
- No external CDN dependencies, host all on your own:
- @tryghost/sodo-Search, @tryghost/portal GPR compatible
- Source Sans Pro, Merriweather fonts GPR compatible (no cdn)
- No jQuery
- rollup with gulp for javascript.
- i18n using i18next as well as dynamic routing
- Using loc-i18next for data-i18n=“” translations.
- Dynamic routing with https://example.com/{de,en,fr,it}/ routes.
- No i18n / javascript = english.
- No more javascript grid
- scss using dart-sass
- Parallax effect background using jarallax
- Customizeable over theme custom parameters
- Highlight.js
- Automaticaly updates and copies all code using “npm” and Gulp
- single .js for all source with the help of Gulp