Newsletter subscribe/unsubscribe toggle on members account page

I’ve manually added some members that are not subscribed to my newsletter by default, and I’d love to give them a toggle to turn that subscription on/off themselves via their account page.

Hey @brooklet, we do have a ‘Cancel link’ helper so your members can manage their own subscriptions. Documentation can be found here: Ghost Theme Development: Building custom membership flows

Edit: The above is for managing Stripe paid subscriptions

Right, but doesn’t that only apply to paid subscriptions? I’m referring to the “subscribed to newsletter” option, which I can edit in the dashboard, but doesn’t seem editable from the member’s account page.

That’s right, I added a note to my comment for clarity :slight_smile:

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I think this functionality would make sense for future usages.

For example: when SSO is integrated into Ghost (later this year?), and supposing a publication is using something like Discourse or Cove as its commenting platform, a reader may want to be a subscriber so they’re logged in for commenting purposes. However, they may not necessarily want email notifications of new posts (perhaps they use an RSS reader). A user-facing toggle would therefore come in handy.

Edit: makes sense for future-usage with Discourse (requiring SSO), and present-day usage with Cove (not requiring SSO).