Posts are not showing up on collection page

I’m building a template for my portfolio website.
Oddly there’s no post showing up on page.
The followings are my settings which might be related to this issue.
I checked the HTML of the page but there {{#foreach posts}} to {{/foreach}} area doesn’t seem to be working.
It would be great if you could point out some issue(s) I might overlook.


  /: home

    permalink: /blog/{slug}/
    template: index
    permalink: /work/{slug}/
    template: portfolio
    filter: tag:work


<div class="site-content">	
	<div class="content-area">
	  <main class="site-main">
	    <div class="post-feed">
	      <div class="grid-item grid-sizer"></div>

		{{#foreach posts}}
		    {{#has tag="work"}}  	
		    	{{> portfolio-loop}}	

</div><!-- .content-area -->

Tags on a post

Hi @hiyukoim :wave:,

Could you try removing the line data: from your routes file, and removing {{#has tag="work"}} and {{/has}} from your portfolio template. Data isn’t needed and the has helper isn’t required as the filter value in the routes file is doing that for you :slight_smile:

Edit: Sorry but I’ve just realised that you might be using the tag description and title for the page data. Please ignore the routes file change if you are doing this :sweat_smile:

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I found the solution for this issue so I want to share it with you and the community.
It turned out that I didn’t add #get handlebar on portfolio.hbs.
Also, I added visibility="all" to #foreach as I use membership access controls for some posts.

{{!-- The main content area on the portfolio page --}}
<div class="content-area">
  <main class="site-main">
    <div class="post-feed">
      <div class="grid-item grid-sizer"></div>
	{{#get "posts" include="tags" limit=@config.posts_per_page}}
		{{!-- The tag below includes the portfolio loop - partials/portfolio-loop.hbs --}}
	    {{#foreach posts visibility="all"}}
		    {{#has tag="work"}}
				{{> "portfolio-loop"}}
	</main><!-- .site-main -->
</div><!-- .content-area -->

I didn’t come up with that idea without your suggestion, @DavidDarnes.
After I tried your method and found out that was not it, I could get a clue where I should look into next.
It’s a bit strange for me that I needed to use #get handlebar, because on another theme, it worked solely with #foreach to call a post loop.:thinking:

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That’s great you got it working, and that I was able to help! However you are right, you shouldn’t need the #get helper here if you’re already using a custom collection and putting a filter on it :thinking:. Maybe something else in the code is affecting it?

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I think you’re running into the “collections must be unique” restriction.

If you’re working with this config…

    permalink: /blog/{slug}/
    template: index
    permalink: /work/{slug}/
    template: portfolio
    filter: tag:work

Ghost will see the /blog/ collection first and because there’s no filter, all of your posts will be added to that collection. When it comes to the /work/ collection, there are no posts left to put into to it.

To comply with the restriction you’d need to add a filter to your main /blog/ collection so that your work posts don’t get included there, eg:

    permalink: /blog/{slug}/
    template: index
    filter: tag:-work
    permalink: /work/{slug}/
    template: portfolio
    filter: tag:work

If you do that then you should be able to get rid of the {{#get}} helper and the {{#has tag="work"}} conditional in your portfolio.hbs template.

Note, that if you’re using the {{#get}} helper in the way you’re currently doing it’s not fixing the collection problem - pagination won’t function and your “work” posts will continue to live on /blog/{slug}/ rather than the /work/{slug}/ URLs that you’ve specified.


Thank you for providing a better solution, @Kevin!
I applied that change to my theme accordingly and it’s working!
Also thank you so much for saving my time. With my solution, I would have run into the pagination issue you mentioned.

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