Reduce featured image size in Solo theme

Hi Everyone. I want to reduce the featured image size in the Solo theme. A featured image is required to have an image on the home page next to every blog post title.

The standard version appears full-width above every post, but I want it to be smaller.

Some assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Code injection for a specific page or post is the way to go for a single page or post.

If you want to change it across the whole site, then code injection for the whole site is the way to go.

If you want to modify the way images are displayed in all posts using a specific template (ditto pages) and do not want to inject code for every post (page) created with that template, then the template file for that page (post) in your theme must be edited with the html to achieve that.

Here is a page to explain how to use code injection to change image size in a post (page) Ghost Blog: Reduce feature image size within posts

And there’s quite a lot of help on the forum for changing html in template files, including in the Ghost Help pages.

Hope that gets you going.

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Here’s another tutorial, in which I try to get into some of the why and how to figure out the selectors that’ll allow the changes wanted.


Thank you Coolcmsc, unfortunately, I followed precisely that post but the featured image in the solo theme doesn’t appear to change.

My code injection looks like this. Curious what I should do differently.

Appreciate your help

In the version of Solo I’m looking at (and yours MIGHT be different), there’s no .article-image selector. I think you want .gh-article-image

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That worked Cathy, thank you very much! :grinning: :pray:


Hi Cathy, I tried to contact you through your website but contact form seems to get stuck after sending.

Laughs. Well, that explains why I got four copies! I’ll check it out. :)