I am trying to configure locally installed Ghost 3.1.0 to use my email account. I have entered this information in the configuration file:
“mail”: {
“from”: “”,
“transport”: “SMTP”,
“options”: {
“host”: “mx1.aftermarket.pl”,
“port”: 587,
“auth”: {
“user”: “”,
“pass”: “”
However, sending mail fails, and the following error is shown in the log:
[2019-12-05 18:23:44] WARN Error sending email: Failed to send email. Reason: connect ETIMEDOUT Please check your email settings and resend the invitation.
[2019-12-05 18:25:40] INFO “POST /ghost/api/v3/admin/mail/test/” 200 120002ms
So it appears that it uses the correct IP ( is the address for mx1.aftermarket.pl) but port 25 instead of 587, and it timeouts because port 25 is not open on the SMTP server.
How can I make it use the correct port for SMTP?