Storage Adapter for BunnyCDN

In the last few weeks, I experimented quite a bit with BunnyCDN and Ghost. My goal was to make Ghost sites hosted on a server in Germany available quickly worldwide. Naturally, the further a user was from my server, the longer it took for the website to load.

My first approach was setting up the “classic” BunnyCDN. For an individual website this works great, in my opinion. I posted my findings here:

However, my goal was to make the speed-benefit replicable without having to set up DNS zones etc. – specifically for some of my customers’ websites.

So…I wanted to try an approach with a BunnyCDN storage adapter for Ghost. A day later, here we are:

Feedback, comments, and suggestions are welcome, of course :blush:


Good morning, is the Ghost’s native image resizing still working with this BunnyCDN adapter?

Hey Graydon!

Sorry, missed this notification.

The image resizing doesn’t work with this adapter, no. Generally, there is a big conflict between the way Ghost handles the image resizing and storage adapters. For Magic Pages I ended up using a different approach with an S3 adapter and ran into the exact problem yesterday. Wrote a little bit about it here: Transform image CDN to full-site CDN

Long story short: the uploading to storage wouldn’t be much of a problem. Generating the srcset will be – because Ghost only does that when the images are served locally. I haven’t figured out a good way to “simulate” that with a storage adapter.