Hey theme creators, can I make a suggestion?
It’d be cool if themes had a “blank” template option, that had the top menu and bottom footer, and then a big full-width empty spot for the content in the middle. Bonus points for excluding this blank template’s content area from your theme’s styling.
I’ve gotten hired more than once by someone who has existing HTML (such as a webflow export, or a wordpress landing page) that would be easy to paste into a Ghost html card, but I have to strip out most of your page template to make that work.
And… one of these days (maybe Q2 if I can manage to clear my current backlog) I’m going to launch the ghost landing page builder I’ve been twiddling with occasionally, and the existence of a ‘blank’ template would mean it would ‘just work’ with your theme, without the purchaser needing to create a new template.