Testimonials for Ghost


I’m looking for a simple and elegant solution to display testimonials on my blog. Maybe on a dedicated page or maybe in the footer. Anyone knows how I can do that?

I found several providers with html, js and css code but none fit my website easily.

Best, Nicolas

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Hey @NicolasK :wave:
I’d probably approach this by creating a ‘Testimonials’ page with a list of blockquotes. Then I would use the #get helper to pull out the content of that page, and format the presentation of those quotes with CSS and JavaScript.

Using this method would let you control the content via the Ghost editor without requiring custom formatting :blush:

Thanks. I found several code snippets on Codepen. Are you mentioning gethelper to display testimonials in the footer?

Ah great. Yes that’s right, using the #get helper will let you pull out a specific pages content and let you insert it into the footer area.

Let us know how you get on with this, interested to see how it comes out :blush:

Well it’s pretty simple but this code is responsive. Cracking Da Code - Private Site Access

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I found a framework called Tailwind CSS that made my page look good and modern. But the horizontal padding doesn’t work. Any thoughts?

That will be the styling that Tailwind is applying, you’re best looking in their documentation for help