I am new to ghost so please let me know if I can offer further clarification to my problem. Thank you.
Ghost Version
Node.js Version
How did you install Ghost?
Digital Ocean Ubuntu
Database type
I have a self-hosted ghost install, and I updated ghost to include the tips/donation feature.
When I visit: https://domain.com/blog/#/portal/support, there is an issue with these two requests:
session/ | 404 | fetch | FeedbackPage.js:12
create-stripe-checkout-session/ | 404 | fetch | FeedbackPage.js:12
and I see this message in the browser:
Sorry, that didn’t work.
Something went wrong, please try again later.
The request urls look like this:
Request URL: https://domain.com/members/api/session/
Request URL: https://domain.com/members/api/create-stripe-checkout-session/
however I am expecting them to be:
Request URL: https://domain.com/blog/members/api/session/
Request URL: https://domain.com/blog/members/api/create-stripe-checkout-session/
as https://domain.com/blog is what is setup in my ghost config
Also, if I visit https://domain.com/blog/#/portal/signup
this request, for example, returns 204
Fetchmember/ 204 fetch FeedbackPage.js:12
with the following request url:
Request URL: https://domain.com/blog/members/api/member/
I am trying to understand why /blog/ is not being included in the requests sent when visiting
For example, if I run curl -i https://domain.com/blog/members/api/session/ I get a 204 response.
Thank you for your help.
Michelle (and Sally - originally posted by my business partner Sally on github but not sure if this is a bug so it may be better to post here.)
To update - I am finding the same problem when I start fresh using the digital ocean droplet: Ghost | DigitalOcean Marketplace 1-Click App
I do the basic setup, with this type of structure: https://domain.com/blog, updating the config to include https://, and updating ghost to a newer version (in this case 5.95.0) which has the tip feature, connect stripe (not in test mode) and I include a button on the coming-soon page with:
I click the button and the requests have the following urls and response:
Request URL: https://domain.com/members/api/session/
Request URL: https://domain.com/members/api/create-stripe-checkout-session/
session/ | 404 | fetch | FeedbackPage.js:12
create-stripe-checkout-session/ | 404 | fetch | FeedbackPage.js:12
Thank you again for any assistance you may be able to provide.