So, I really don’t know much about code but followed the tutorial for creating a TOC:
but then I noticed that it messed up with the “publication-info sidebar” in Homepage. I’m using Source Theme and need some help to configure a proper TOC in my blog posts.
Add .gh-content to the styles of the TOC in default.hbs
.gh-content .gh-sidebar {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
margin-top: 4vmin;
grid-column: wide-start / main-start; /* Place the TOC to the left of the content */
Thanks, Raki. Somehow, the TOC sidebar didn’t move to the side using the code in the guide you provided. I’ll try some tweaking to see if I can fix it.
I have two articles about how I wrote a component that automatically builds the Table of Contents for your posts. You can see its functionality in almost every one of my publications.
In the first part, we will explore the problem in more detail, examine alternative solutions, and develop our own component based on the idea. I will also explain how to use it.
In the second part, we will significantly improve it and simplify its use. The second version of the component builds a multi-level Table of Contents.
By the way, the second version can be adapted not only for Ghost
Thanks for sharing the quick and easiest way to implement TOC.
I want some customization, can you help me to do this?
=> I want to hide the contents under “Table of Contents” by default and want to add a Show/Hide Button just after the “Table of Contents”. So when visitor click on that, table of contents items will show or hide.
You need to copy it from here: github gist
Or from my article: link
Here is example of usage:
<toc title="Table of Contents"
Now it has more parameters in addition to title:
(optional) collapsible - adds a show/hide button, border, background and some paddings
(optional) show-text & hide-text - allow you to override button name in case where you need it or for other languages
(optional) border-color & bg-color - allow you to control the styles. Can accept either color name (like ivory) or hash (like #000 for black)
As minimum you’ll need collapsible="true". As you see all the rest parameters are optional. I use Show/Hide by default as a button name, gainsboro as border color and aliceblue as background color
I’m using source theme (v1.4.1) and ghost cms latest version 5.105.0. I want to add a sidebar on each posts of my blog where I want to Display 3 things.
1st: Latest 5 Posts from a specific Tags (for example: news) with Post Meta Data, a small size version of featured image and first 15-20 words of each posts and every post will be linked.
2nd: A List of 5 Most viewed posts.
and 3rd: All tags of my blog.
I’ve tried to do this by adding a sidebar in post.hbs and css style in assets/css/screen.css but it not works. Not showing the sidebar.
Hi @elena018 , your new requests don’t belong to current topic and they are overall about update of the theme file, which is theme specific configuration.
I do not have another playground where I can do such a changes. Developing this can affect UI of my blog. I afraind that I won’t be able to do this.
Let me know if you have anything related to the TOC