Turn off subscription links for one post?

Hi there. I’m wondering if it’s possible to turn off the subscription buttons/links on a per-post basis.

Maybe there’s something I could put in code injection for that post?

Background: I have a post that’s attracting unwanted, low-value subscribers. I’d prefer to turn off all subscription links on that page, so people only see the call to subscribe if they click through to other pages on my site.

You should be able to do that with code injection, but what exactly is totally theme-dependent. Link the site.


Thanks @Cathy_Sarisky … I’m using Tuuli and the site is here (also, this is the exact page I want to do this with): How to Fake an Email From Almost Anyone in Under 5 Minutes – dylan tweney

Try this. Note that I also suppressed comments, since there’s a call to sign up there. Feel free to adjust at will.

And it probably goes without saying, but you’re going to want to put this in the page-specific code injection, not sitewide, or else it’ll take stuff out everywhere…

  display: none!important;

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Amazing. Thank you so much!

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