Unanswered questions

Hi - I’m evaluating using Ghost & I expect I will need to do some theme customization among other things. I am a developer & like what I see on the platform overall but it seems that ~10% of development related questions in this forum don’t get replies.

That worries me a bit that I will run into issues I won’t be able to get advice on - is there another channel to get support if I do run into a wall?

I will help you with what I know.

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If support is a top priority for you, then Ghost(Pro) may be the way to go, as the service offers dedicated support.

This Forum is the best place to get answers to your questions, and the community is amazing at providing responses. Also, following Ghost’s recommended best practices and getting familiar with our docs will put you on a firm footing.

@RyanF oh does Ghost(Pro) support include development related questions? I’d go that route if so, but it would be just for the support as I’d still want to host myself most likely. I’m mostly concerned about running into esoteric development related questions & having no one to get help from. I’ve seen some questions like this on this forum that appear to never get a response.

I’m used to being able to go to an environment like Discord, Slack, Telegram, etc where an open source project dev team or support dev hangs around occasionally. I don’t need real time support but putting a question on a forum & hoping for the best isn’t ideal. Or even if there’s a staff member (such as yourself) that I can tag in here if a question goes unanswered for a few days or so & you guys can bring a qualified dev’s attention to it then that would be re-assuring, is that reasonable to assume?

Thanks for your response!

Hey @noms,

I create themes and Ghost development tutorials, so I try to pop in and answer questions here when I know the answer to something. Feel free to message me anytime. I check this forum daily.

Do you have any development questions currently?

Thanks @SHAWNHOSEA, I appreciate that (also @ thimiraonline)!

No specific dev questions atm - I’m really just trying to make sure that if I run into a development wall that there is some channel to continue to pursue an answer outside the forum if I can’t get an answer here.

May never even come up but I’m not planning to become a Ghost dev guru for some relatively basic customization. Maybe coming off overzealous here but it’s important to me to know before jumping onto the platform.

Sounds like between you, @RyanF & others I’ll be in good hands though so I rest my concerns here :slight_smile: