📢 Upcoming style changes to editor cards in Ghost

We’re making some minor style changes to Ghost’s editor cards. Our goal with these updates is to further streamline theme development and ensure a consistent experience across all themes, regardless of the design approach.

What’s changing?

We’re transitioning from using em units to px units for font-size in editor cards. While most official themes use the widespread 62.5% font size trick, it’s not universal across all themes, and not using it can lead to inconsistent styling and extra work for theme developers.

By moving to px, we aim to eliminate these inconsistencies, making it easier for you to create or update themes without having to worry about the base font size. This change also ensures cards look good in any theme.

What does this mean for custom themes?

Probably nothing! We anticipate these changes not to have an impact on most themes. Nonetheless, we encourage you to review the changes and assess their impact.

If you have previously adjusted your styles to accommodate em units, you might find that you can now simplify your CSS.

When is this change rolling out?

These updates will be part of this Friday’s release, on 1 March 2024.

More questions?

Drop them in the thread below!


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