In Ghost 5.7.0, we updated the functionality of the img_url
helper: it now can convert image formats automatically! This update is perfect for theme developers who are serious about performance
Why it’s important
Images are the heaviest part of your website. The new helper automatically converts an image from PNG, GIF, or JPEG to WebP, which reduces its size by ~25% without any visible loss of quality. Using the new helper will make your website faster, positively impact SEO, and give your users a better experience.
How it works
Simply add the format
attribute to the img_url
Basic example
{{img_url feature_image size="s" format="webp"}}
Full example with picture
<!-- Serve the AVIF format if the browser supports it -->
<!-- Remove this block when using animated images as feature images -->
srcset="{{img_url feature_image size="s" format="avif"}} 300w,
{{img_url feature_image size="m" format="avif"}} 600w,
{{img_url feature_image size="l" format="avif"}} 1000w,
{{img_url feature_image size="xl" format="avif"}} 2000w"
sizes="(min-width: 1400px) 1400px, 92vw"
<!-- Serve the WebP format if the browser supports it -->
srcset="{{img_url feature_image size="s" format="webp"}} 300w,
{{img_url feature_image size="m" format="webp"}} 600w,
{{img_url feature_image size="l" format="webp"}} 1000w,
{{img_url feature_image size="xl" format="webp"}} 2000w"
sizes="(min-width: 1400px) 1400px, 92vw"
<!-- Serve original file format as a fallback -->
srcset="{{img_url feature_image size="s"}} 300w,
{{img_url feature_image size="m"}} 600w,
{{img_url feature_image size="l"}} 1000w,
{{img_url feature_image size="xl"}} 2000w"
sizes="(min-width: 1400px) 1400px, 92vw"
src="{{img_url feature_image size="xl"}}"
alt="{{#if feature_image_alt}}{{feature_image_alt}}{{else}}{{title}}{{/if}}"
For more details on how to use the updated helper, see the docs: