Updating to a major version [failed]

I am getting error while trying to update ghost 2.31.1 to 3.0.3 locally.

Here is the log what i am getting,

Checking theme compatibility for Ghost 3.0.3

√ Your theme is compatible.

You can also check theme compatibility at https://gscan.ghost.org

[20:54:57] Updating to a major version [failed]
[20:54:57] → Update aborted. Your blog is still on 2.31.1.
× Update aborted. Your blog is still on 2.31.1.

I used the following commands, ghost update , ghost update --force
But Nothing helped.

Do you have any specific customisations on your installation of Ghost? Can you run ghost doctor just to see everything is in order? :slightly_smiling_face:

$ ghost doctor
- Inspecting operating system
Found a development config but not a production config, running in development mode instead
[21:19:01] Checking system Node.js version [started]
[21:19:01] Checking system Node.js version [completed]
[21:19:01] Checking current folder permissions [started]
[21:19:01] Checking current folder permissions [completed]
[21:19:01] Validating config [started]
[21:19:01] Validating config [skipped]
[21:19:01] → Instance is currently running
[21:19:01] Checking memory availability [started]
[21:19:01] Checking memory availability [completed]
[21:19:01] Checking binary dependencies [started]
[21:19:01] Checking binary dependencies [completed]

Everything seems fine there… but unfortunately, i can’t update the ghost latest version. It was fresh install before.

Here are few more info

$ node -v

$ npm -v

$ ghost -v
- Inspecting operating system
Ghost-CLI version: 1.13.1
Ghost version: 2.31.1 (at F:\Themeix\ghost-developement\churel)

ghost update --force --verbose might be useful

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No luck. Same error.

[sqlite3] Success: "F:\Themeix\ghost-developement\churel\versions\3.0.3\node_modules\sqlite3\lib\binding\node-v64-win32-x64\node_sqlite3.node" is installed via remote
node-pre-gyp info ok
[15:41:42] → Done in 18.09s.
[15:41:42] Installing dependencies [completed]
[15:41:42] Downloading and updating Ghost to v3.0.3 [completed]
[15:41:42] Updating to a major version [started]

Checking theme compatibility for Ghost 3.0.3

√ Your theme is compatible.

You can also check theme compatibility at https://gscan.ghost.org

[15:41:43] Updating to a major version [failed]
[15:41:43] → Update aborted. Your blog is still on 2.31.1.
× Update aborted. Your blog is still on 2.31.1.