Video for Publication cover

is there any way to upload webm format as site cover?
I want to add a video to my site cover, but I don’t want to insert it with theme code.

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Thanks, I searched a lot, I didn’t find this, I try it.

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Unfortunately this doesn’t work, I want to put a vide as my publishing cover in home page.
I used the code but not working. I adjusted the JS to my classes.

Can I ask why you want to set a video for the feature image? If you have a gallery of videos you could cause real problems with performance

It’s a very lightweight file of 1.1mb, it’s a timelapse for the frontpage, Unfortunately site is not open yet, I give you the link after it’s opened, we are graphic design, Photography studio,

You could add the video URL into the site code injection as a JavaScript variable? You could then grab that on the post list page as well as in the single post and apply the video as the feature to the post item. It would also let you add a regular image as a fallback feature :blush: