What’s the correct way to detect whether the current post is the first/last post?

What’s the correct way to detect whether the current post is the first/last post? This functionality seems to be available in nav and pagination, but I haven’t found a good way of doing it in the post context. I’m imagining something like this:

<a class="btn next-post {{#unless next_post}}disabled{{/unless}}" href="{{#next_post}}{{url}}{{/next_post}}"> Next Post</a>

Thanks for your help!

You can use:

{{#if @first}}  {{/if}}

{{#if @last}}  {{/if}}

More info at:

Thanks @ahmadajmi.

I was hoping to use something like @first and @last, but unless I’m mistaken, they only work within a foreach loop.

I’m looking for something that will work in post.hbs.

You can try something like this:

<a class="btn next-post {{^next_post}}disabled{{/next_post}}" href="{{#next_post}}{{url}}{{/next_post}}"> Next Post</a>
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@HauntedThemes :ok_hand: Perfect! That’s exactly what I was looking for. (I only tried tried those helpers with if/unless for some reason)