Where do I delete images on self hosted Ghost site?

I have a Ghost site on Digital Ocean. If I upload an image or an asset to my Ghost site, then decide I no longer need that image, how do I delete it? I downloaded the theme folder, but I couldn’t see any of the images inside any of the folders.

I would like to be able to delete the unused images (unless it is automatically deleted), because otherwise, it will end up using up all the storage.

Also, is it possible to FTP or SFTP to my Digital Ocean site root?

Thank you for your assistance.

Ghost uploads images to the images folder in the content path. If you used the DO 1-click install, it will be in /var/www/ghost/content/images

Thanks. I can’t even SFTP. I don’t understand why. I tried Cyberduck, Filezilla and Transmit

I reset my DO FTP pw. Any idea what could be the reason?

Here’s a terrific script to delete unused images: GitHub - ghostboard/ghost-purge-images: CLI tool to display & purge the uploaded images, video and audio files that currently are not used in any post, page or meta data


Thank you. How do I run these scripts? Do I have to connect via terminal or something? I am still learning my way around Ghost. Which application would I use to do this?

Using terminal, yes. I think there are fairly thorough instructions at the link.

I was always under the wrong impression that the files not used would be deleted automatically! Thanks for sharing this.