I have a site with about 80 posts currently using Wordpress that i’m going to move to ghost, i’m just looking for some recommendations on the mechanics.
I’m going to host on DigitalOcean. I already have the vps setup and ghost install but part of the installation was adding the domain name. Because I want to do the changeover methodically I used a dummy domain (not my live blog domain) during the setup just so I can get a feel for ghost.
Question is, if I move the content over will I be able the change the url in ghost when I’m ready without breaking everything? Anyone have experience migrating like this?
I built a droplet with Ghost installed then I had to SSH into it to update it and finish the setup (not sure if that’s the 1 click install). That’s where you have to put the domain name in.
Hi @Webweever,
that’s the normal installation procedure for the 1-Click Install on DigitalOcean.
And yes, you can easily change your ghost url at any time.
Just ssh into your ghost directory with your ghost-mgr user: $ cd /var/www/ghost/ $ sudo -i -u ghost-mgr
Then type in the following command and change the url accordingly: $ ghost config url https://my-domain.com