3 questions (beginner)

I’m brand new to Ghost(Pro) (despite being an early backer in… 2013!) and as I’m doing some tests, I have three initial questions (among many others!):

  • Is it better to type your text directly, or to use the Markdown Card? What is the difference?
  • Do you think it’s possible to use a different logo (same size) than the one of my ghost site just for some specific pages (I’m not asking for the solution, just to know if it’s possible, later ;) ?
  • I did not understand clearly if you can import a theme when you subscribe only to the starter plan (“Official Ghost Themes” are checked, but not “Custom Themes”, on the subscription page)
    Thanks in advance for your help…

You can use a Markdown Card - but I find it better to use the editor as it is, especially with so many great cards these days.

I write on markdown and then I paste the text to Ghost editor without using cards. It works without flaws.

So, using markdown cards isn’t worth it. Especially if you want to have more control to add links, for example.

I don’t think it’s possible, and I never saw someone ask that before

No, on the starter plan you can’t import themes. For that you need to upgrade for the mid-tier plan

Thank you for your answer.
You find “better to use the editor as it is” with “so many great cards these days” ? Isn’t this contradictory? Maybe I’m misunderstanding.

Ok, thank you very much for the advice.

I thought so, too bad.

I tried to import some free themes found on the internet, and it worked. But maybe that’s because I’m in the two week trial period?

But still, I have access to the “official” marketplace, where there are paid themes, so logically it’s possible to upload themes, though, I guess.
This is something that is not very clear I think.

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I mean if you create a post inside one big Markdown card in the editor, then you can’t use other cards as easily.

If you prefer to write in Markdown then you can also just type in Markdown or paste it straight in as @tiago said. That way, you can also insert other types of cards throughout the post if you want to.

Hey, welcome to the forum :wave:

You right, you can upload non-official themes during your free trial. If you want to use a non-official theme when your trial is up, you’ll need the Creator plan or higher.

Hi Kym, thank you!
What does that mean?
So I can upload a theme for a few more days, but what happens at the end of the trial if I choose to use only the starter plan? If it’s an unofficial theme, will it disappear and be replaced by Casper?

Once I’m in my starter plan, can I pick a theme (free or paid) from the whole marketplace (about 100 themes)? Or only the ones labeled “official” (= 13 free themes)? :sweat:
Thank you for the help.

The Starter plan supports the Official Ghost themes only. If you want to use the Starter plan then my advice would be to pick one of those themes. You can also contact the support team any time about Ghost(Pro) questions :)

Thank you.
I’m glad I’m learning this, because I almost bought a paid theme, which I would not have been able to use…

Ok, i understand. Very glad to know that. Thanks.