Making Content libraries

Structure of my content on wp:

  • Single blog posts categorised among tags
  • multiple content libraries ex: A library for use cases of blockchain(having ~50 posts)

I basically want a page for each library, it should have search bar and, list of all posts in this library.

Thanks for your support.

Also please help me understand the best practices to organise my content in ghost and doing bulk operations on posts.

If their is a theme that fits our use case, happy to explore that aswell

The simplest way to do this will be to put a tag on each collection of posts. Ghost automatically creates a collection for each tag, located at /tag/your-tag-slug.

Searching for only posts of one type isn’t natively supported. You’d need a custom search integration for that. (The native search only searches titles, tags, excerpts, authors. Not the body of the post, and no fancy filtering.)

If you want a page with a bunch of information for each tag (beyond title, description, tag image), followed by a collection of posts at the bottom, that’d be custom work, but it’s a pretty small task.

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I think the auto-created tag page will work for me.

how do I achieve this? for a start, I think I won’t need more info other than the title description

In the tags page (right side link from the dashboard), you can set a description and image for your tag. Some themes will display it, although not all do.

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