Hey @Mathieu_Rouault , I just want to add my voice to this convo. I recently spun up a ghost blog purely to use as a portfolio of sorts. I need a central hub where I can link social media accounts/communities together and promote compositions for video game music and show some graphic work. Essentially, it’s a grand central station and shop front for me. I love the blog and toggle-able paid functionality because it gives me the flexibility to go that route and flexibility is soo key for what I am trying to do. I am trying to build a brand.
I’m a spaghetti coder but getting better with CSS and HTML. I use the liebling theme. Upon upgrading to 4.0, I now have this very bright obstructive subscribe button in the middle of my my page… I think I have new unwanted scrolling social icons to address as well … Which, this might sound silly, but it doesn’t match my strategy for building a community. It’s so direct, and while that might be functional and effective for getting return visitors as some percent of viewers click the subscribe button, I feel that this strategy is a detriment to my goal. It doesn’t keep with the whole feeling of the brand I am trying to build which is: join in if you like, but I will never put something in your face even if that means we build more slowly.
I can totally see how these might be welcome QOL updates for some Ghost users but in my situation: my options are 1) Wordpress… which… no way. I want open-source no-fuss functionality, not clunky pre-built black boxy modules; 2) some other proprietary host; 3) a ground-up website; or 4) Ghost Blog.
Now, I must delete some things in the Liebling theme (not a problem, I don’t think?), then I will again update when/if the Liebling theme is updated to address some of the Ghost 4.0 changes, then merge in my personal tweaks again. And I imagine that I may have more fine tuning to do depending on how ghost 4.01 reacts to any official liebling theme updates. It’s like, come on Ghost, give me a clean platform that I can update without too much fuss and extra work; this small thing has made the platform more time consuming and difficult to manage given that don’t want to employ the strategy that it seems ghost is promoting.
At the end of the day, I think Ghost is by far the best option for me. I love it, and it has encouraged me to really start learning html and css. But some of these updates (at my middling experience level with coding) were a little black boxy - can I move the subscribe button around? I don’t understand where it came from since it wasn’t present in 3.x using liebling, maybe I had squashed it earlier?
I don’t mean for any of this to come across as frustrated or angry :) , I just want to add my voice and story to the conversation.
…ps. I have been struggling to find the bit of code that controls the dimming filter for the banner/header images (I want to remove it). It’s present in Casper and I would bet it is in the same location in liebling. I created a reddit thread, but haven’t had any luck figuring it out so far. To anyone reading this, I would be grateful for any pointers!