Adding Internal Comments to Drafts

Similarly to how Medium lets a publication’s editors highlight > add comments to specific portions of an article, it’d be really nice to be able to add comments to someone’s article draft. The relatively simplistic feature of adding an internal comment to a specific highlighted section saved us from having to work in a Google doc to receive comments and then copy/paste the text over, only to have potential formatting issues. My team and I wouldn’t need to leave the Ghost publishing platform if a feature like this were added!

Definitely, we are also in the need of this.

Is this something being worked on? As we have a collection of guest authors who’s submissions we need to review and give feedback


I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my Ghost experience so far, but this is an area that caught me off guard. I expected at least a simple inline commenting toolset for reviewers/editors (a la Medium). Sure, reviewers can make changes directly in Ghost for tiny grammatical things, but when I get reviewers to look at my posts, I’m moreso interested in comments - “This section should be moved up”, “Work on this paragraph to incorporate more X”, etc. Without it, I am having to get my feedback in Google Docs, and then make changes within Ghost myself, which is a pain.

Thanks for the consideration!


Hi there!, someone knows if there is any update on this idea? it would be very cool to have it implemented


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I’d take a look at - if you leave the post in draft form, you can make and share comments on the preview screen.

Here’s an example:

That page is live - if you’d like to try it, here’s the link:

I’ve got it unlocked so that anyone can play with it, but you can also restrict to just your own organization/group.

Ghost is in process of updating the internal post data format to use a new format and editor called Lexical.

I’m not sure if it was possible to implement comments with Mobiledoc, but there is discussion of people implementing comments with Lexical.

But right now the development focus is still on stabilizing Lexical as the new editor technology.

Once that’s done perhaps this would be interesting for the roadmap.


This would be a great addition indeed! I find myself very often writting something that needs facts checking or simply to add/remove something at a later date. By using the inline code method, sometimes I forget to remove it and publish it with my “notes” here and there.

This feature would visually be a lot better and would for sure eliminate similar situations.

Hope we all get it!

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