Okay, I got something.
In the official Casper theme, this problem is tackled using an infinite scroll.
I’ve taken the core of this function and migrated it into my own (Typescript) class.
- I check if there are more items to load
- If not, I hide the “Load More” button
- If there are, I’m loading the next page with an XMLHttpRequest
This page has all the basic document methods, e.g., querySelectorAll. So I query my post items and inject them into my own DOM
This is my function to load the next page. You could use a similar approach if you left out all the types in JS
fetchNextPage(): Promise<Document> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const xhr = new window.XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.responseType = 'document';
// @ts-ignore
xhr.addEventListener('load', (event) => resolve(event.target.response));
xhr.open('GET', this.nextElement.href);
This is my method to load and append new items into the DOM
private async loadAndAppendPosts() {
const nextPage = await this.fetchNextPage();
const postCards = nextPage.querySelectorAll('.postcard');
const postFeeds = nextPage.querySelectorAll('.postfeed');
postCards.forEach((card) => this.postContainer.appendChild(document.importNode(card, true)));
postFeeds.forEach((feed) => this.feedContainer.appendChild(document.importNode(feed, true)));
this.nextElement = nextPage.querySelector('link[rel=next]');
And finally, this is the function I bind to the button:
private async loadMorePosts() {
if (this.nextElement) {
return this.loadAndAppendPosts();
public init() {
if (!this.nextElement) {
if (this.valid) {
this.loadMoreButton.addEventListener('click', () => this.loadMorePosts());