Infinite scroll with button without JQuery

Casper theme uses excellent infinitescroll.js script written in pure javascript. Has anyone tried to rewrite it so that instead of scrolling the page for loading posts, a click on the Load More button is used. There are many jQuery solutions, but I would like to use pure JS. Maybe someone is already using some JS plugin on their blog with load more button?

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I have! Here’s the code. The blog parts of my theme are based on GitHub - TryGhost/Starter: A development starter theme for Ghost and modified a bit, so you might have to tweak the selectors to make it work with Casper.

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Your code is throwing a bunch of errors. Not sure if I understand this code and can read

The code uses relatively modern javascript which jshint is not able to fully understand. You should still be able to run the code in Chrome / Firefox (not sure about Safari) without any transpilation. If you’re targeting an older browser, you need to enable transpilation.

Oh yeah. Works great. thanks

i’ve been looking for an infinite scroll or loader to work with liebling theme but so far been striking out (even using Eduardo’s own code for liebling). I took a look at yours linked above and tried to modify the selectors, but the problem is I don’t really understand js, just enough to see where things are and make some comparisons etc. I wasn’t getting any errors when I loaded it up, but it was pausing the debugger and breaking the page (lol).

Any suggestions on what I could do to make this work for liebling?


Hey there. Vika did a good job implementing the HTTP request to receive the next page.

Basically what happens is:

  • Check if there is a next-page (using const next = activeDom.querySelector('link[rel="next"]');)
  • If yes, read the DOM - elements from the post container and append them to the currently active page

I’ve described one approach in detail here: Adding Load More button for infinite scrolling of Ghost Casper - #4 by tq-bit. It’s written in TS, but you should get the basic idea.

Hello. I changed the code a little, it’s a little clearer for me. I wrote in the comments about the selectors which-should-be - there are used selectors of the container of posts, the selector of the button and the selector of a separate post. Try to change the selectors to your own and embed this code in your theme.

 * Load more posts with button on front, tag & author page

		let nextDom = document,
		btnLoad = document.querySelector('.pagination__loadmore'), //selector of button loadmore
		postList = document.querySelector('.loop-archive__inner'); //selector of posts container

		async function loadNextPage() {
			const next = nextDom.querySelector('link[rel="next"]');
			const response = await fetch(next.href);
			nextDom = document.createRange().createContextualFragment(await response.text());


		function noLoadNextPage() {
			loadNextPage().catch(() => {
        btnLoad.innerHTML = "Not posts";
        btnLoad.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled");
				if (!nextDom) {
					nextDom = document.createRange().createContextualFragment('');
					nextDom = true;

		function toLoadMore() {
			btnLoad.addEventListener('click', () => {
				for (const post of nextDom.querySelectorAll('.loop-archive > div > .loop-archive__item')) { // .loop-archive__item - selector of one post block 