Adding Signup Card to Custom Theme

Hey all! I self-host a ghost blog running a custom theme. I had been hoping for a signup card (and had implemented a workaround previously), but wanted to get started using the new official implementation.

I updated my Ghost version to 5.53.4. I added the CSS from both the signup card CSS and Casper’s implementation to my theme’s screen.css file, but I’m not seeing the option in the Ghost editor.

I was wondering if I need to add this HTML to one of my .HBS files, but I’m not quite sure which one. I tried to see if I could find similar code in the Casper theme, but I didn’t see it.

What am I missing to get this up and running? Thanks!

The signup card is only available while using the new (beta) editor. In SettingsLabs, you’ll find a toggle to turn it on. Once you do, open a new post and choose the signup card.

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Whoops! Thanks Ryan. Thought I had, but that was it. Appreciate you as always!

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