After one year my website ranking is super low. Please help me understand why

After years of using Wp I created a new personal blog with Ghost. I really love it but i ve some huge ranking problem.
I know that you have to work to rank good but in my case a lot of my content is not even indexed, and i ve to “force” it via webmaster tool. Every time.

Crawled – currently not indexed

I did and experiment and instead of installing on the root i installed it on a sub dir:

Basicaly now everytime i do i post i ve to force the crawling and then force the indexing.

  • I ve some link coming in (not a lot but still a dozen)
  • I ve long - good - content
  • I ve no errors on Google search console
  • Same content on substack / linkedin get indexed
  • it s not indexed by exact search name + family name on google

Before moving to the main dir (from to i want to understand if all these issues are caused by the poor choice of subdomain or what else (misconfiguration?)



Where are you posting first? Is it possible you’re creating duplicate content problems or are you able to set the canonical URL on these same-content posts so it points at the original post on your website?

Additionally, be sure to submit your sitemap to Google Search Console, which is located at This ensures new content can be picked up by Google.

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The canonical is OK (and i post on socials 3-4 days after the post.) if shadow ban were a thing on google it would be that.

Sitemap is ok, too:

Each of those categories will show you the pages impacted. And you can click each one to help you see what’s wrong.

Google doesn’t always index tag and author pages. They’re not very interesting and don’t have much unique content. I wouldn’t worry about those as if you have posts missing.

The main issue is the “not crawled” and “crawled but not indexed” issue. i ve to force indexing each time and i ve no clue how to solve this issue

Right. So if you pick one of those POSTS that is crawled but not indexed, what links does it show? If none, that’s probably why you’re not getting indexed.

Not crawled surprises me, if you have your sitemaps submitted. If you pick a POST that is in not crawled status, what does the detail for that url say?

it says it s not on the sitemap (while it s present there)

if i click on “TEST LIVE URL”

and i ve to click request indexing.
after 3 weeks come are still there, same moved.

Ps As a further experiment, i am redoing the page different from ghost to see what happens.

Were you searching for the URL with or without the trailing / ? If this is without, please try it with the / .

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