Autofill fails on account creation

Fill out the following bug report template with as much detail as possible!

Are you sure this is a bug? If you just need help, post in the developer help category. If it’s a feature request, head to the ideas category.

Issue Summary
The iOS autofill function is visible on account creation for readers but when used it does not autofill email address.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Browse with an iOS device, in Safari, to a site setup in Ghost, for instance
  2. Go to subscribe
  3. Proceed with subscribing and use autofill
  4. Email will not autofill

Setup information

Ghost Version
Share which version of Ghost you’re using.
Ghost Pro with Headlines theme

Node.js Version
If self-hosting - share which version of Node.js you’re using.

How did you install Ghost?
Provide some details about your install of Ghost if you are self-hosting.

Provide details of your host & operating system
Include further details about your hosting and OS.

Safari, iOS

Database type
MySQL 5.7 / MySQL 8 / SQLite 3 / Other

Browser & OS version
Include if reporting frontend bugs.

Safari, iOS

Relevant log / error output
Copy and paste any relevant log output. Use backticks to format this into code.

I removed the name from the signup process, and it seems the email address is considered a password by iOS.

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