Blog preview on home page showing raw, un-rendered Markdown

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If you aren’t running the latest version of Ghost, the first thing we’ll ask you to do is update to the latest version of Ghost.

  • What’s your URL? This is the easiest way for others to help you
    I am using a local installation without a public URL.
  • What version of Ghost are you using? If it’s not the latest, please update Ghost first before opening your topic
    I am using version 5.52.0


  • How was Ghost installed and configured?
    With the Bitnami Helm chart: Helm Charts to deploy Ghost in Kubernetes

  • What Node version, database, OS & browser are you using?
    Node v16.20.0
    MySQL 8.0.33 for Linux on x86_64
    OS: Minikube v1.28.0 Kubernetes cluster running on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
    Browser: Brave browser and Chrome

  • What errors or information do you see in the console?
    There are no console errors: the Markdown is however displayed raw:

  • What steps could someone else take to reproduce the issue you’re having?
    Install minikube, start it, and run
    helm install my-release oci://

Follow the output instructions.

Then, create a blog post in the admin console, with Markdown in it, and navigate to the actual site.

Thanks for any help; this was pretty disappointing, since I fired up Ghost and just expected it to work. The Markdown looks great on the actual blog post, but the preview is the problem. I’m planning to use Ghost for my personal blog for DevOps related content, posting about running Ghost in K8s (how I set up the blog) so I’m hoping to get this working.

Welcome to the Ghost community, @Routing4974.

Please share the markdown as seen in the editor (paste here using by surrounding text with triple backticks.)

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Thanks, good to be here. Sure thing; so there are several objects on the page; the first was just me literally typing “# foo”; then I inserted a link with a caption, and then there is the block of Markdown:

What it looks like while editing the page:

The block of Markdown:

# header1
## header 2



[a link](

echo foo | grep bar # no way
import os # syntax highlighting??

a quote

Welcome! Which theme is this?

Hang on a sec… I think we are looking at an excerpt, right? Can you try opening the right-side menu in the post editor and setting a plain text excerpt?

When no excerpt is set, Ghost attempts to use the start of the post. If the very start of the post is a card, sometimes unexpected things happen.


Looking back at your images, I’d actually say the automatic excerpt did a fairly good job of stripping out the markdown and keeping the text. The only spot that things seem to go wrong is


but that doesn’t look right on the Ghost page itself. Perhaps that specific bit of MD is not supported? It’s not on this list, although I’m not sure that page is up to date: Markdown guide

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Bingo, thanks! That was it.

Off to do some more Ghost tutorials, best,

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That’s a good point; I do see the feature there in stripping out the Markdown; not sure why I didn’t realize what was happening. Thanks again!