Cloudinary + Ghost still works for Casper?

Hi, I have tried to follow this guide Official Ghost + Cloudinary Integration to integrate Cloudinary into Ghost.

For other themes, it works. For the latest Capser theme, I couldn’t find the line specified in the post:

div class=“post-card-image” style=“background-image: url({{feature_image}})”

On line 4 of /partials/post-card.hbs

Any help is appreciated!

  • What version of Ghost are you using? The latest
  • What configuration? Production

Hey there :wave:
Casper uses srcset to provide browsers with appropriate image sizes depending on their screen size and internet connection. You can view the code here Casper/post-card.hbs at main · TryGhost/Casper · GitHub

You’ll need to replace each image path with a corresponding image url. However this might not be necessary as Ghost is already providing optimised images here?

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Okay then, I understand. Thanks so much for this & also the previous response on the similar image issue. :grin:I think I will leave the images as is for now.

I read some info on this forum & the github on next-gen image formats. Although it may not be a priority for you guys anytime soon, I hope perhaps you are considering if it benefits users interms of optimisation!

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