Converting Subscribe Forms to Portal Signups


Is there an easy way to intergate existing subscribe forms with the new portal sign up form?

Maybe im best to drop the email feild, and redirect the button click to “#/portal/signup” ?

EDIT: Adding the Name Input would be super helpful also!


Maybe im best to drop the email feild, and redirect the button click to “#/portal/signup”

@samjamesnz Yes this is the best way to integrate subscribe forms with portal signup/login form. The Portal signup form can also include the Name input if its enabled from Portal settings in Ghost-Admin.

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Is there a way to change the email input field to point directly to the signup page?

I’m trying to restrict free signups >> I want people to subscribe to one of the paid tiers.

FYI: I’m on Ghost Strater Plan and the latest version.

Developer help

Can anyone assist with this please?

I would like to drop the free email signup from all (including embedded) signups. Instead I want potentials members to signup to one of the paid tiers.